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Medical Aesthetices  >  Face & Body Contouring  >  Double Chin

  • Double Chin

  • Enhance your side profile

    When there is too much fat in the submental area, the result is a double chin (the area underneath the chin). There are a variety of possible causes for the buildup of submental fat. You don’t have to be overweight to have a double chin.

    A double chin can be caused by a variety of factors. Having a lot of fat on your chin is a part of the problem, but there may be other reasons why you’re seeing double like genetics, age and posture. There are a different treatment for the reduction of double chin, one of them being double chin contouring


    • Non-Invasive treatment
    • Highly effective and painless
    • Comfortable and easy way to achieve the desired body shape

    Good For:

    • Body Contouring
    • Fat reduction
    • Sagging skin

    Double chin contouring uses RF, or radio-frequency treatment is a safe and effective procedure that can be used to improve one’s appearance and reduce fat. In a non-invasive procedure, Radio-Frequency is able to tighten the skin, reduce wrinkles, and increase collagen production. This treatment can also be used to reduce cellulite and circumference on other parts of the body.

    Through the electrodes, radiofrequency delivers a safe electrical current to the treated area. The RF warms the area and penetrates deeply into the skin. Our brain perceives radio frequency as a source of energy, and the skin reacts similarly to a resistor. By heating the cells to a safe temperature, the skin is tightened, smoothed, and cellulite is reduced.


    Procedure Time
    45 min
    Sensitivity Period
    24-48 Hours
    Visible Results
    4-6 sessions
    Rec. No. of Sessions
    6-8 sessions


    Yes, double chin contouring is a safe procedure, it is also non-invasive.

    A number of sessions are different for everyone, during your consultation with our aestheticians, they’ll best guide you and suggest the number of treatments.

    Only a mild discomfort is felt during the procedure which is tolerable, other than that Double chin contouring is not painful.

    Side effects of double chin contouring are typically minimal and short-lived, limited to mild and temporary swelling, redness, and tingling which usually goes away.

    Not sure which treatment
    to choose?

    To book a consultation, please contact us by clicking the button below and a representative will reach out to you directly.