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Medical Aesthetices  >  Medical Grade Facials  >  BB Glow

  • BB Glow

  • The fight against fine lines, uneven skin tone, and acne can seem like it will never end, but it’s something we all face. Age, hormones, what we eat, UV rays, and other things can all affect our skin’s health and look. 

    At best, makeup is only a short-term fix for blemishes and large pores, but that’s all we’ve ever known. If you’re tired of hiding your skin’s flaws, a BB Glow treatment might be just what you need.

    BB Glow treatments use the most up-to-date technology and scientifically proven methods and ingredients to help with all of these problems and more.

    This treatment is a natural, semi-permanent base for your skin that is made of only natural ingredients. It will smooth out irregularities, bumps, and spots on your skin, making it look like you’re wearing the perfect, lightest face makeup.

    The BB Glow serum is a skincare product that has been proven and tested scientifically. It covers skin flaws like hyperpigmentation, redness, dark circles under the eyes, and large pores. The premium BB Glow treatment will help get rid of major skin problems without overstimulating the skin. It has whitening and skin rejuvenating properties. With ingredients like niacinamide and peptides, the color part of the BB glow formula brightens the skin and makes it look soft and glossy. This will give you a base that looks natural, is waterproof, and won’t come off.

    The serum is applied with microneedling ​​which is very gentle because the needles are so small that you can barely feel them. The skin glow treatment clears and unclogs your pores, resulting in a more radiant complexion. As a result, your skin appears healthier and brighter and the impact of aging skin cells is minimized.


    Set your expectations high because you’ll notice a difference after only one skin glow session. A BB Glow treatment will give you a boost of confidence in your look.

    BB glow treatment’s longevity is its most significant advantage. After treatment, improvements might last four months. The BB serum has no parabens, perfumes, alcohol, or allergies so you can continue your routine immediately after this painless treatment. To enhance its effectiveness, many customers repeat the treatment twice or three times.

    We recommend three sessions, even though improvements can be seen in one to two sessions. Three to four sessions, spaced two to four weeks apart, are recommended for best results. The results can last for up to six months with proper maintenance.

    BB Glow will not clog your pores and trigger breakouts since the pigment is inside your skin rather than on top of your pores.

    The skin at the treatment site might slightly sting for a day. This is normal & any redness seen on the face will disappear in 3-4 days.

    Not sure which treatment
    to choose?

    To book a consultation, please contact us by clicking the button below and a representative will reach out to you directly.