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Medical Aesthetices  >  Medical Grade Facials  >  Jessener face and neck peel

  • Jessener face and neck peel

  • Maintain a healthy glow..

    Chemical peels are non-invasive skin resurfacing treatments that are useful for treating common skin concerns. 

    Chemical peels are classified into three types: mild, medium, and deep. The difference between them is due to the number of layers of skin affected by the peel. Mild peels have moderate outcomes with short downtime. The medium and deep peels are strong, but the recovery process is more complicated.

    A Jessner peel is used to improve the appearance of your skin. A Jessner’s peel, like other chemical peels, removes the top layer of skin. Following the Jessner chemical peel, the cells die and peel away. Your body then initiates a healing reaction, bringing new, younger-looking skin to the surface.


    • The first step is to thoroughly cleanse your skin with a cleanser. This ensures that even the smallest traces of dirt or grease are eliminated from the face.
    • The next step is to dissolve all three substances in a 95 percent ethanol solution: lactic acid, salicylic acid, and resorcinol.
    • Our aesthetician will choose the number of coats to be applied based on your skin’s requirements. 
    • After using the Jessner peel, you may notice the skin flaking. This is the point at which the peel has been neutralized.
    • After a while, the peel is cleaned away with water.
    • Finally, a soothing mask is put on the skin to indicate that the treatment is done.


    Jessner peel is a mild peeling agent on its own. Our aestheticians frequently combine it with more effective chemicals to create a medium peel. These peels are efficient at reducing dark circles, fine lines, and acne


    Preparing the skin for the peel is the first step. Our aesthetician will walk you through the pre-peel skincare routine. In most cases, they will instruct you to follow a specific skincare regimen two weeks prior to the treatment in order to maximize the effectiveness of the Jessner peel and reduce side effects.


    There is no specific downtime for this treatment. The depth of the peel plays a significant role in determining downtime. Naturally, deeper peel penetration will lengthen the downtime and the skin’s post-treatment maintenance. It normally needs two to four days of rest for good skin maintenance.

    For the first 24 hours or so after the peel is removed, your skin will be red, tight, or slightly puffy. Your skin may begin to peel the next day. After a mild peel, it may take four to five days for new skin to form.

    When the skin peel is removed, you will see that your skin is smooth and flawless, with a healthy glow. In most cases, it takes 10–12 days for the skin to completely heal.

    • To ease the burning sensation, apply ice packs.
    • It is important to moisturize your skin on a regular basis, especially if it is itchy, dry, or tight.
    • Avoid rubbing, scratching, or picking at your skin. 
    • The new skin layer is fragile and prone to scarring, so it must be treated with gentle care.

    The Jessner peel is used to treat melasma, hyperpigmentation, and acne scars, as well as to eliminate dark patches and age spots, even out skin tone, smooth fine lines, and wrinkles, and diminish the appearance of scars. The solution causes an inflammatory response in the skin layers. This results in the reduction of actinic keratoses, often known as sun damage.

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