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Medical Aesthetices  >  Face & Body Contouring  >  Jawline Contouring

  • Jawline Contouring

  • Define and shine your jawline

    Chiseled jawlines are often associated with masculinity, yet a well-defined chin and jawline can be appealing for both men and women. Physical and environmental causes, such as genetics, aging, and weight changes, can result in undesirable lower face features, including, a weak jawline, sagging jowls, excess fat under the chin, loose skin below the chin, and wrinkles.


    • Non-Invasive treatment
    • Highly effective and painless
    • Comfortable and easy way to achieve the desired body shape

    Good For:

    • Double chin
    • Jaw Contouring

    Procedures to improve the definition and shape of the jawline are known as jawline contouring. One of the jawline contouring procedures is called HIFU. High-intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU), a noninvasive and painless alternative to facelifts, is a relatively new cosmetic treatment for skin tightening. Because it stimulates collagen production, it results in firmer, more elastic skin, and jawline contouring is non-invasive.

    Jawline contouring uses radiofrequency energy, a thermal reaction at a specific depth in the skin, targets fat cells, and stimulates the production of natural collagen. The production of collagen and elastin is increased through repeated treatments, which lifts, tightens, and improves the skin’s texture and contours of the jaw.


    Procedure Time
    1 Hour
    Sensitivity Period
    24-48 Hours
    Visible Results
    from first session
    Rec. No. of Sessions
    Once a year


    While the energy is being delivered, most people are able to tolerate the treatment. Treatment-related discomfort and pain are only felt for the duration of the procedure.

    Safe and painless, the HIFU Face Lift is a great alternative to traditional facelift surgery. Our equipment and the treatment are certified.

    Some people may benefit from a follow-up treatment after the initial procedure. While this may be the case, most of our clients see significant results after just one session.

    The effects can last up to six months. Your skin will look better after just one treatment if you take care of it!

    Not sure which treatment
    to choose?

    To book a consultation, please contact us by clicking the button below and a representative will reach out to you directly.