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  >    >  Fox Eye (Brow Lift)

  • Fox Eye (Brow Lift)

  • Trying to get that Bella Hadid’s arched brow look?

    Our customizable Brow Lift, named after the queen of striking brows will have you looking like you just stepped out of a magazine in minutes!

    The fox eye is a new trend that is quickly gaining popularity that draws attention to the area surrounding and above the eyes. This is achieved by drawing attention to the outer corners of the eyes and the outside edge of the eyebrows. Performing these lifts yields a slimming effect and brings out the gorgeous almond shape.

    These lifts are seen on many stars and celebrities, but by no means are they exclusively in reach of the rich and famous. Sometimes termed “lunchtime fox eye treatments”, they are relatively simple, inexpensive and take little time, and have very few side effects.

    How does the BrowLift work?

    Get that lifted, upturned “fox eye” look that celebrities and models are obsessed with. Here is how it works:

    When threads are inserted near the brows, they dissolve over time creating a beautiful lift without surgery. They cause the body to make more collagen, which makes the area even firmer and tighter. The treatment isn’t universal panacea, so please keep that in mind. Your injector will work with you to create the contours, height, angle, and arch that you desire.

    What to expect during the treatment?

    First, we’ll inject you with a numbing agent, so that you won’t feel anything during the procedure. The threads will then be implanted by one of our Master Nurse Injectors using a blunt-tipped cannula to protect the sensitive skin around your eyes, which won’t take more than an hour, then you’re out the door!

    Recovery & Results

    We recommend setting up your session four to eight weeks before any big events. After your appointment, it’s normal to have some swelling and bruises for about a week. Within 1 to 2 weeks, you’ll start to see improvements. Some people need more than one session to get the stunningly pulled-up look they want.

    What If my under eyes need a little help?

    Do you always look tired because you have hollows or bags under your eyes?

    With a little tear trough filler, it’s easy to fix. That treatment can be done on its own.


    Procedure Time
    45 min
    Sensitivity Period
    24-48 Hours
    Visible Results
    Rec. No. of Sessions


    After 18 months or so, most thread lifts wear off, but you can always get another one to keep your skin looking fresh and young.

    The thread lift is thought to be safe, but after the skin is cut, there is a chance of bruising and brief pain that will go away on its own.

    National Institutes of Health (NIH) study verifies the efficacy of PDO thread lifts by showing that thread lifts undeniably raise and contour facial soft tissues. An additional NIH research found a success rate of almost 90% for this treatment.

    After a PDO thread lift, there are a few things you should avoid doing to get the best results, sleeping on your stomach or side, wearing makeup, drinking alcohol, making strong facial expressions, and getting facials and massages for your face.

    You can get Full Face Lift, Fox Eye, Snatched Jawline & a Nose Lift here at 3D Lifestyle with PDO Threads.

    Not sure which treatment
    to choose?

    To book a consultation, please contact us by clicking the button below and a representative will reach out to you directly.